Fire and Rain and Instagram Pics
This week we posted Episode 3 of The San Diego Gutters Show! It is only 8 minutes long, but it delivers a ton of value and might help keep you safe from home fires this fire season.
While the Rainy Season in San Diego is starting to come to a close, Fire Season is gearing up, and with lower than average rains, we are due for some dry weather and a lot of fire risk.
CalFire suggests that you have your roof and gutters cleared of any debris so that it doesn't become kindling in the case of a wild fire. San Diego Gutters is busy in both seasons as San Diego home owners understand the importance of proper maintenance.
This week we also discuss our instagram pics. We explore the necessary overhang of roofing tiles and shingle, organic v. non-organic debris, and the importance of cleaning behind the chimney as well as the roof and gutters. Please follow us on social media @SanDiegoGutters to see pictures that relate to this week's podcast.
Finally, we often take beautiful images of "Views From The Roof" and as you can imagine, San Diego has the BEST!!!